Sunday, December 18, 2016

"Only more Love"

This year has been one of the hardest years of my life!  It has been one of the most fulfilling too.  I don't think I would have felt a love so deep from Jesus if I didn't have the events of this year happen.  There's always one thing that I'm sure of and that is 'I love Jesus.'  There's always a question after that, 'How much?'  We should all know that Jesus loves us.  He loves us because He accepted death on a cross for us, Jesus accepted a crown of thorns for us, Jesus accepted being whipped for us, and He accepted that He would lose His life for us - and so He did because He loves us.  The question is, 'Do we accept His love?'  Do we accept what we suffer so that we may rise with Him in eternal life?  I'm trying.  Don't be intimidated by suffering though.  We all suffer but some more than others.  We don't all suffer equally.  We all can't suffer like Jesus because He is the only Savior of the world, the Savior of our souls.  As Jesus is the only one to have suffered so brutally on earth, for love, truth, and mercy, and accepting crucifixion - we are the only ones to suffer what we must when we accept His love.  God didn't create us to suffer but to love.  Saint Mother Teresa said, "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more Love."  So when I look back on this year, I only see Love.

When my auntie was diagnosed with lung cancer I resigned as director of an Early Learning Childcare Center so that I could take care of her.  My auntie was really sick, so I planned to be with her for a year and more if she needed me to.  The doctors didn't make it sound like she was going to get better any time soon.  They said they wanted to "try" chemotherapy and "try" radiation, and after the first rounds then they would see how she's doing.  It was possible that she may have needed up to three to four rounds each, and after that then maybe her tumor would have shrunk enough for them to operate on it.  Within three months her whole tumor was completely gone and she didn't even have her first round of radiation yet.  One round of chemotherapy was two treatments a day for 15 days.  The doctor said they would still do the radiation, just in case anything may have been missed.  I knew something was going to change with her when, after her second week of treatment of chemotherapy, I walked into her house and she was up cooking, her house was cleaned, and there was a cake on her kitchen table.  I walked in and I was kind of confused at first.  I asked who cleaned, and she said she did.  I asked who baked the cake, and she said she did.  I was amazed.  All I could see was Jesus.  I started laughing and sat down, then I asked her, "You really baked this cake?"  She said, "Yeah. Take a piece. I feel really good. I slept good."  Just the day before I stayed with her until she was in bed because she was really sick.  She was shivering like she had the flu and had to force herself to eat, and the color of her skin was pale.  I went home worried, but after that night my auntie never went back to being sick like that for the rest of her treatments. 

My son was also going through a tough time in school, so I was in a battle about that.  That is also the time that he was diagnosed with autism.  When my auntie had to do her treatments, we stayed a whole week away from home, and then we went home on weekends.  It was hard separating from my son like that, but I had to for my auntie.  I called him every day after school and every night before bed.  I knew he would be well taken care of by my parents, they spoil him like crazy, but I worried about how the change would affect him.  He had doctor appointments as well and since there isn't anything in our area for autism, or braces, we had to travel a couple hours away just to see doctors.  So some days I would be on the road for up to five or six hours and a couple times I had to ask my sister to come and get my son, because I was too tired to drive any more.  During that time my son was diagnosed with autism, I had to fight for his accommodations in school because for some reason the special education director and our case manager at his school didn't believe that he had autism, even though he was diagnosed by the psychologist and psychiatrist, and he had to see an orthodontist because he needed braces.  I had to call an advocate, write letters, and enforce our rights in his school. 

During the week that my auntie was declared cancer free, my mom was diagnosed with cirrhosis.  My mom was throwing up blood and I had never seen that in my life - and it was so much!  She had to be flown to a hospital, a couple hours away, and within a couple days she needed five pints of blood.  I was at the edge of every feeling.  I wasn't sure how to feel!  I was numb by my mom's sickness.  How could that happen to my mom?  I only heard about people getting cirrhosis because they drink too much and my mom doesn't drink.  The doctor said it was caused from a combination of her diabetes and medication, especially ibuprofen.  The doctor did tests on her and said that her liver is badly damaged.  My mom had to travel every other week, back to the hospital, to get a scope procedure done because she was still bleeding.  During the scope procedure they would place bands in her stomach to stop the bleeding and she needed up to almost thirty bands, altogether.  The doctor said her liver is badly damaged but it is functioning as normal as one could!  I said that's awesome.  

When I look back on this year, there is only more Love.  Jesus was present the whole time, but even in His closeness I have been struggling.  A priest told me that the closer we are to Jesus, the more we see how we offend Him, and not to feel bad about going to confession up to three times a week - St. Paul went every day.  What would I have done if not for priests, family, and friends?  A support system is needed and having praying friends is the most important.  Praying is important because we are lifting each other up, asking for our needs to be met, and even when we think we know what we should pray for - Mary takes it to Jesus with purity and humility.  Every day I'm saying, "This is Yours Jesus."  Jesus is amazing.  On February 27th of this year, my dad was baptized, confirmed, and received Holy Communion in the Catholic Church.  On the same day, my parents had their marriage blessed, and my mom received Holy Communion after 30 plus years.  In the midst of my auntie's, mom's, and son's diagnosis, I still enrolled in school and managed to complete two semesters this year and I also became a Certified Nurses Assistant.  School was even hard!  I did get behind in my homework but I wasn't purposely blowing off my homework to watch TV.  I chose to make rosaries.  I said, "Jesus, if I fail my school work, these rosaries would be worth it. Right now I feel like I should be making rosaries and not my homework. I trust in You that I am doing Your will."  We also moved into an apartment in the midst of this year and somehow I managed without a job for a few months.  That was the number one question I have been asked, "How are you surviving?"  It's not putting all our trust in Jesus and then sitting back while He acts on it.  It's putting our trust in Jesus, having faith, never losing hope, always praying, trusting His Divine Providence, having Mary, and then making choices.  Jesus is never absent from a choice.  Jesus is always a choice.  Jesus didn't come to us floating on a cloud, wearing a crown of gold, and surrounded by angels.  Instead He came as a baby, born of the Virgin Mary.  Jesus is always the choice of humility and He has always provided enough.  This year can be said in one statement: Accept His love in everything, never stop praying, and always be thankful - not that it could be worse or that you received more than you thought, but thankful for the choices that brought you closer to Jesus.

Thank you and God bless you.
Thank you to the priests that support and guide me.
Thank you to my friends, for always praying, encouraging, and supporting.
Thank you to every one that has prayed for me and my family.
Thank you to those that I've made rosaries for - I am incredibly thankful to share with you in our Mother's love for Jesus.
Thank you to everyone that I've talked to this year - I have been gifted by your words.

Please continue prayers for my auntie, mom, and son in their continued health - spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
Please pray for our priests!  We would be lost without them.
Pray for everyone struggling to have a relationship with Mary.

I'm praying for you every day.  "In you I see Jesus."

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Annunciation/Christmas Reflection

A reflection from a brother in Christ that I wanted to share with you.  

 The serpent had tricked Eve into eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which 
became the fall of Adam and Eve, when God gave His judgment upon them for sinfully disobeying 
and eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Suffering and death, pain in childbirth, hard 
toil in labor, and all that bad stuff.  The Lord God banned it from all of the other animals and from 
all the wild creatures. On its belly the serpent would crawl and dirt it would eat all the days of its 
life. God put enmity between the serpent and the woman, between his offspring and hers.  It would 
strike at her heel but she would crush it's head!!  This is 
called the proto-Gospel: the promise of the woman and her seed who would crush the serpent's 
head. Now the woman in the proto-Gospel God was speaking of wasn't Eve, who had just been 
defeated by the serpent by listening to it and sinfully disobeying God, but God was speaking of a 
woman in the future who would be free of the serpents venom (sin) and full of grace (God's life and 
Spirit).  God is sincere with the sincere but with the cunning He out does in cunning.  In His infinite 
wisdom God fore-planned the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mother and of His Son 
made man in the future (the fullness of time).  Because He is in eternity He is not bound by space 
and time and all things are possible with Him.  He was going to reach into the future to the 
accomplishment of His Son's Paschal mystery (crucifixion, death and resurrection) for our salvation 
and redemption and apply that grace to Mary's Immaculate soul as a little embryo in   
St. Ann's womb.  Mary's name means "full of grace" so that she could be the sinless Virgin Mother 
of His Son.  This is called her Immaculate Conception: her being conceived without sin.  As a result 
of this she was able to be full of grace (God's life), and the fruit of this is that her will would be 
God's will perfectly.  Even the humble supreme obedience unto death He would ask of His Son 
made man, in reparation for Adam and Eves sinful disobedience they were to suffer the
consequences of sin (suffering and death) without having committed it (sin).
 This is how Mary could crush the serpent's 
head: her shared humble obedience unto death with her Son Jesus.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Love is Eternal

When my son is sick it just kills me.  Every time he gets sick I pray that I can suffer for his illness.  When my son was a baby he almost died from dehydration.  He would vomit up his formula and the doctors at our clinic couldn't figure it out, and they kept switching his formula.  Finally, after being admitted to the hospital, a doctor did figure out that he had acid reflux and treated him for it.  The amazing thing about his illness is that he was always just a happy baby.  He had lost weight and his skin was pale, but when he sat on my lap singing and dancing with me, he had a smile that melted hearts - his giant smile.  He was just a baby so of course he didn't know that he could feel better and that he could eat without getting sick.  That illness was life for him.  When he finally came home with his medication and rice bottle, formula mixed with rice, he really blew up.  His baby rolls grew bigger and bigger.  By the time he was one year old, he was a chunky boy.  The amazing thing was still the same amazing thing: he was just a happy baby, but this time he knew the feeling of being better, of eating without vomiting up his formula, and he knew the feeling of being full.  He knew then that the illness could be treated, and most of all he knew love because we did all that we could so he could get better. 

Jesus knows us as sick people.  Our sickness is life for us and sometimes we don't know that we could be better, feel better, and that our sickness can be treated.  We don't know or we forget that Jesus is our Healer and that He heals hearts and souls.  Jesus came and was crucified for our sickness.  Sometimes we become so consumed by our sickness that we think it's untreatable.  We try to hide our sickness because we're embarrassed by it.  I didn't know that I was suffering from a sickness until it consumed me.  For the past two years I was obsessed with a person and I was embarrassed by it.  I avoided all contact with this person, hoping that it wouldn't get any worse.  The obsession consumed every thought and I was in denial about it and tried to ignore it, but it progressed every day.  I finally broke down because I couldn't take it anymore.  There was no thought or dream that this person wasn't in and some days I couldn't focus on anything except this person.  When I realized what was going on I was embarrassed and scared.  Through some comfort, guidance, and advice from my sister in Christ, I brought it to Jesus in confession.  Did you know that Jesus is also an instant healer?  He doesn't say, "Alright. Say two prayers and give it a couple days, see how you feel, and if it persists then come back."  His healing is instant and like the blind beggar, as well as others, we have to bring our needs to Jesus to be healed.  When I was in confession, my voice was shaking as I told Jesus that I was actually obsessed with a person for two years, possibly longer.  I had no clue what He was going to tell me, but I knew I was ready to let it go.  As always He was very gentle and His message brought light to it all and He revealed how intimately He loves me.  His love for us doesn't change based on whether or not we know that we are sick - there is nothing in this world that changes His love for us but through confession we empty ourselves of our own selfish desires and receive Him as pure as we can.  I didn't know that my soul could be full in Him, that my soul could feel better, and that my sickness could be treated through Him because I was so blinded by my embarrassment that I kept it to myself for a long time.  Jesus doesn't want us to keep something that weighs us down, that makes us feel unworthy, and that keeps us from receiving His love and mercy.  After confession I felt like I was free from a cage and I didn't even know that I was in one, because I didn't realize how I had been living.  I messaged my sister in Christ and said, "What was I thinking?!"  

Jesus said, "Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do.  I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners." (Luke 5:31-32)  Sometimes I forget that Jesus doesn't call us because we're perfect, but because we are in need of a Physician.  Do you know that Jesus knows your sickness and already has a Divine Plan in place to help you heal?  If you don't know, if you're unsure, or if you're embarrassed, I say, "Ask Him."  Jesus said, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." (Matthew 7:7-9)  Jesus knows your sickness and how it controls you, how far it pulls you from everyone, and how it is being used to make you think that you deserve nothing better and that you aren't worth something more, so He prayed, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not my will but yours be done." (Luke 22:42)  Then He carried the cross because He loves you.  Jesus loves and cares for us more than we love our own children, and He was crucified for us to be healed though Him.   The sickness we are currently dealing with can be treated, we can feel better, and we can know the fullness of life all through Jesus, and of course the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph lead the way in purifying our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls in receiving Jesus, as Mary was when receiving Him in her womb.  The amazing thing about our sickness is that it's temporary and His love is eternal.  Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that there is still heaven.  We have to remember that the trials we are facing and the sickness that we are carrying are not worth stopping for; Jesus didn't stop when He received the cross.  He prayed that it was the Father's will and He just kept going.  Don't be afraid to confess, to approach Jesus with everything that is keeping us from receiving His love and mercy.  I often tell Him, "What I am giving is so ugly, but I can't be afraid to give You all of me - without You there is nothing.  To You through Mary."

** Please pray for everyone feeling hopeless and confused about what they are currently facing in life.
Please pray for Fr. Pfeifer and all the pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land.  Pray for safety and an encounter with Jesus for an intimate depth of His love to be revealed in their relationship with Him.
Pray for the Father's will in all things and in our relationships with everyone.
Pray for purity of mind, body, heart, and soul.  Pray for strength in remaining pure in those as well.
Pray for sick babies and families - for love, hope, encouragement, and support of all those involved.
Pray for everyone battling an addiction, pray for their families.

Thank you! God bless :)

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Have you ever watched the movie 50 First Dates?  It's about this man that spends every day making a woman fall in love with him, because she suffers from short term memory loss caused by a car crash, so every night when she sleeps she loses the memory from the day before so she doesn't remember him when she wakes up.  The other day while I was at work I thought of that movie!  I'm a Certified Nurses Assistant working in an assisted living facility for elderly people, and every day that I work I have to re-introduce myself to a few residents who have no memory of me, even though I've been working with them for the past few weeks.  I don't spend the day trying to make them fall in love with me, but just let them know that I'm there for them and they are my number one priority while I'm with them.  I've been working with a ninety-six year old woman and every time I walk into her room she asks, "Who are you?"  I say, "I'm Norma."  Then she asks, "Norma who?"  I say, "Norma Robertson."  She has the kindest soul I've ever met and she is very sweet.  When ever I'm taking care of her, she will tell me, "Oh you make such a fuss about everything. You don't need to do this."  I say, "It's not a fuss and I don't mind at all."  Then at bedtime she will say sometimes, "I can't sleep because I'm afraid people might forget about me."  I tell her, "That's impossible.  Every body loves you too much!"  Then she says, "You're so sweet."  I tell her, "You're the sweet one."  I walk into work with nothing but the will to serve God and I walk out of work with sore feet, tired and exhausted but with a soul overflowing with love.

The will to serve is all I have and His will is all there will ever be.  His will bears so much fruit.  You have to realize that doing His will doesn't take anything away from what you want but opens your soul to everything that you didn't know you could have.  God's will is overflowing with love and peace.  Praying to do God's will is not like working a job, but it's your life with God as He loves you.  Praying to do His will is so much more than we could ever realize because we are asking to be united to Him in all things, with Him in all things, in Him in all things, and through Him in all things.  Your eyes are opened to love in so many ways.  Love conquers all, forgives all, and bears all things.  God is love!  I never desired to have any children of my own but yet I love children and have worked with Preschool children for more than ten years.  I never desired to marry, but yet I could cry when I hear of two people getting married because I love marriage so much - it's the most intimate relationship you could ever have with anybody on earth, a covenant to serve God in each other and together in everything.  There was always something that told me I would never marry or have children, even as a young girl when I played Barbies with my sister.  She hated playing Barbies with me but sometimes she had no choice because I would be the only one there.  While her Barbies were married with kids, my Barbies were at work or either jumping off the balcony into the convertible below and then driving off fast around the house, eventually crashing into something.  Then my sister would be sitting there just mad at me and I would be laughing uncontrollably.  She always ended up mad at me but that never stopped her from asking me to play the next time.

Don't spend time trying to figure out the what, why, and how God is working in your life, or what will happen in the end, because you'll just end up with more worries and fears than you had before (I know I do!).  Have faith that you are taken care of - because you are!  I don't know why I have never desired to have children or marry, or why I would work as a CNA - but I just say to God, "Your will be done!"  Especially in the dark and lonely times when you can't see the end of the tunnel, have faith that it is there, and pray to continue to do His will. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Rooted in Love

There's always one thing that Jesus tells me before telling me anything else, "I love you."  Jesus didn't say, "Alright. These are the conditions in which you must meet before I love you."  And then name off a list of conditions.  There is no doubt in this world, or in the next, that Jesus loves you.  He chose the cross for you.  Jesus loved you before creation and there is no sin that can turn Him away from you.  But you should also know that His love is shaped like a cross, and Jesus says that if anyone wishes to come after Him, they must deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Him.  Following Jesus is a transformation and purification of heart and soul.  I was filled with doubt when I began to follow Jesus and I always thought there was going to be something that would take me away from Him, but the more I gave myself to Him - mind, body, and soul - there was nothing that compared to His love for me.  Jesus revealed His love for me first, before anything else.  Every intimate and personal encounter that I have with Jesus is overwhelmed with love.  His love overcomes everything.
"For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that he may grant you in accord with the riches of his glory to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inner self, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."  Ephesians 3:14-19  
The more that Jesus revealed His love for me, the more that I wanted to love Him in return.  The more Jesus told me, "I know you."  The more that I wanted to know Him too.  The more that Jesus said, "I came to serve."  The more that I wanted to serve Him.  His love never brought a fireworks display or roses, but was a cross that held His beaten body.  His love came by drops of blood that very intimately healed hurts in my heart and soul.  The more that Jesus heals me, the more I deny myself in confession, take up my cross and follow Him.  Jesus doesn't require us to be perfect to carry our cross.  Jesus fell three times carrying His cross, and I fall all the time, but His mother Mary is with us.  Mary is our constant star that lights our path to her Son.  Mary is the one that says, "Don't give up."  Even though what we are facing seems to the edge of unbearable, Mary says, "I'm here with you.  Keep going.  It is the will of the Father.  I'm praying for you and He hears you."  The more that I listen, the more I hear Jesus say, "I love you."  Jesus loves you whether or not you know that you need to confess, but the more we choose to love Him back, the more we choose to be healed in confession.  His love and mercy endure forever!

Oh! And thank you to my brother in Christ for asking me to go to adoration, an answer to my prayer - Jesus!

Please visit Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus to learn about the new novices in the community of Sisters.  I send prayer requests to Sr. Mary Angela of the Holy Face of Jesus.  Please pray for the community of Sisters!

Please visit MybrotherJesus for inspiring homilies by Fr. Pfiefer.  Do you know when a person, a word, an action is filled with the Holy Spirit?  When it opens your soul, you see the worth of yourself as in the eyes of Jesus, and you desire nothing but to love Jesus in all you do, everywhere you go, and in all the people that you meet.  That's Fr. Pfiefer!  Please pray for our pope and priests!

Please pray for families - for healing, strength, faith, courage, love and hope and forgiveness.   

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment, and so one who fears is not yet perfect in love.
1 John 4:18

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Jesus never fails

I hope you know that it is love that draws us to Jesus.  It is love that we seek in Him, through Him, and with Him.  A relationship with Jesus is almost like a relationship with anybody in this world, except Jesus will never hurt us or leave us; and His love only gets stronger, but we do have to talk to Him and trust Him.  We are never scared into loving Jesus.  We are never scared into heaven.  It's true that there is an end because we all die one day but how we live is our choice.  If our choice is to ignore God and live without His commandments, He would still not scare us into heaven.  God would not say to you, "Oh, you are such a fool! Why don't you recognize ME!  You should know that the choice you just made will take you to hell!"  Instead God is saying, "You've searched all this time for answers, ask ME. You have guilt so built up in your soul that it's become a burden, give it to Me.  You've sunk so low in your life that you think I am unable to reach you, take My hand as I come down to you.  You think it's too late for me to love and forgive you, but My Love and Mercy endure forever! You think that I Am no help in your life, when I created heaven and earth." We are called by Love!

1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, love is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

God is love!  So don't be scared to talk to Jesus because He's been talking to you throughout your whole life!  He is all those little whispers of goodness and love.  He is the one that says, 'That isn't worth your love.'  Even if you choose wrong in spite of hearing Him, He will never turn away.  Jesus knows how broken and weak we are, so the closer He is.  If you ever think Jesus is taking something away from you, it's only because He will give you something of infinite value!  The moment that I had felt fear in a relationship, I left because we should not be afraid in a relationship.  God had given me the gift of love such a long time ago but I just didn't recognize it as Him because I had everything else stacked before Him.  Still He didn't take His love away from me, but His love became stronger as I began to seek Him.  If you want to know what love is, ask the One that died on the cross for you.  Jesus was not scared onto the cross, but chose the cross, because He loves us.  Jesus will never fail you!   

Matthew 9:12-13
He heard this and said, "Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do.  Go and learn the meaning of the words, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' I did not come to call the righteous but sinners."

Thank you and God bless!! 
I'm praying for you through the intercession of our Blessed Mother ever day!